
Racking for Wood

Stakapal manufacture a variety of storage alternatives for Softwood and Hardwood products which includes Cantilever Racking, Vertical Storage Racking and Pigeon Hole Racking.

Visual Merchandising Options

  • Hardwood Racking and Softwood Racking offers total flexibility for storing varying lengths of product. Stakapal’s Cantilever Racking ensures 100% selectivity as well as providing effective storage and display opportunities
  • A-Frame Racking/Vertical Racks are an excellent alternative storage method maximising the available floor area for high throughput products
  • Pigeon Hole Storage provides the capacity to tailor separate compartments for a wide range of relatively small volumes of differing stock profiles. This means a range of Softwood and Hardwood including Mouldings and Profiles can be stored at any one time

Site Safety Improvements

  • Timber stored on Cantilever Racking reduces the risk to staff and customers posed by bulk stacking which can be unstable particularly on uneven ground
  • Use of Vertical Storage Racking /A-Frame Racking allows for a dedicated pedestrian access environment which in turn minimises the risk from moving mechanical handling equipment
  • Similarly, the horizontal configuration of Pigeon Hole Storage normally means that product is selected and hand loaded away from forklift trucks and other machinery
  • Aisle discipline required for product access reduces risk of workplace transport incidents

Bottom Line Benefits

  • Cantilever Racking reduces damage to stock from repetitive handling from mechanical handling equipment when bulk stacking is used
  • Selectivity is much quicker increasing the number of picks per hour making staff more productive
  • Stock control is easier to carry out reducing overstocking
  • Stock rotation is improved with older stock sold before becoming obsolete or damaged
SARI, SEMA, and SEIRS Logos Stakapal Full Manufacturing Members

Stakapal are full members of SEMA (Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association), with our installation and inspection teams fully SARI (SEMA Approved Rack Inspector), and SEIRS (Storage Equipment Installers Registration Scheme) registered.

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